LEAP statistics
There are 1,429 total pages in the database. This includes "talk" pages, pages about LEAP, minimal "stub" pages, redirects, and others that probably do not qualify as content pages. Excluding those, there are 164 pages that are probably legitimate content pages.
634 files have been uploaded.
There have been a total of 14,769,173 page views, and 8,034 page edits since LEAP was setup. That comes to 5.62 average edits per page, and 1,838.33 views per edit.
The job queue length is 0.
User statistics
There are 9 registered users, of which 1 (or 11.11%) has Sysops rights.
Most viewed pages
- Main Page (2,072,724)
- Glossary (1,075,054)
- Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange (436,004)
- Large Volume Dispensing (243,491)
- Purific (240,332)
- SPME (239,417)
- Small Volume Fraction Collection (236,943)
- Certus Liquid Dispenser (219,749)
- LEAP X-Press Filtration Station (204,804)
- GC Headspace (203,224)